Extreme early Australian adventures from a Literature Evangelist (Video Interview Included)

The first car to drive all around Australia was a Citroen, and it was driven my one of our Literature Evangelists. Based in Western Australia, which was even more remote and vast back then, his journey was nothing short of epic. At one point, it took him 18 hours to travel just 15 km. Along the way, he popped all his tyres and tubes, resorting to running on the rims and stuffing the tyres with grass and cowhides. In the middle of the wilderness, he walked for kilometres to find fuel and even drove while holding his thumb over a fuel leak under the dash, unable to see the road ahead. He disassembled his gearbox, twice, relying on a blacksmith for repairs when the first fix didn’t last 20 km.

The adventure was real, raw, and unforgettable. For a stop-by-stop account of this incredible journey, check out the video linked below—it’s a story worth hearing!

The Incredible Journey from The Incredible Journey

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