Gorgeous in God's Image Magazine

In the last few months, the generosity and kindness of children has really touched our hearts. Kids have been sending donations to our ministry so GIGI can continue doing stories on the podcast.

Parents email us saying how much their children are growing spiritually and learning about Jesus.

To that we say Amen! That has been our goal from day one: for teen girls and children to be in God’s word every day.

Today we would like for you to meet three children who are making a difference.



Noelle is 8 years old and lives in the USA—Do you know what Noelle did?
She put together a lemonade stand and fundraised money for GIGI kids, so we can continue making more stories. How amazing is that!?

Hannah and Ezra

We were blessed by Hannah and Ezra, who sent us a beautiful letter, handmade bracelets (personalised with our names) and a donation of $50.

Hannah, 5 1/2 years old from Brisbane, worked hard in making bracelets to sell and raise funds for GIGI Kids. She raised $50 and sent them to us.

Such a beautiful heart!
Hannah and Ezra


Daxton is 4 years old and lives in Canada—Do you know what Daxton did?

He wrote us a letter and took $5 from his savings and sent it so we can make more stories for the podcast.
How precious!

Please pray for our young audience who listen to the podcast so God can continue enriching their lives with His love.

May God keep inspiring children to spread His word worldwide!

Come visit our booth at the expo hall and bring your kids so we can say hi!

Visit www.gigistorylibrary.com.au

Children podcast: Car ride stories for GIGI kids

Teen girl podcast: GIGI teen radio

Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.