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Lost Property

Big camp lost property.

We also have a musical instrument, jewellery and a mobile phone. 

Lots of clothing items including 

To claim call 0732187777 or email [email protected] 

Camp Pack Up Procedures

Big Camp 2024 is almost at an end.  We would like to thank you for coming and sharing in our fellowship together. As you pack up, we would appreciate your assistance in the following ways:


Please vacate them as soon as possible, as crews will be coming to dismantle them from 8AM Sunday morning

  • Please unfasten the Velcro inside the tents and release and untie all knots in the corner ropes. Unroll the windows.  Also pull out all pegs you used to hold down the walls.


  1. Do not take any furniture to the shed. / Leave it leaning on the nearest tree.
  • All Furniture including place outside your tent leaning on a tree collection
  • Please dismantle beds and stack them against trees outside of tents.


  • Please return to Shed 1


  • Please return to Shed 1


  • 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Saturday 21st September
  • From 8:00 AM Sunday 22nd September


  • All tents – unplug and pull plug into tent if possible.  Remove electrical fitting from centre of tent.  Leave bulbs in the socket and place everything at the base of the adjacent power outlet mushroom.
  • Please remove and return all the crosspieces to the rear of shed No .1


  • As soon as you have packed your car and/or trailer, please remove and park away from roadways to keep them free for access. 


  • Please ensure that all rubbish is deposited in the industrial bins before you vacate your tent.

Camp Superintendents

Kids Concert – All the Highlights

Come to hear the united children’s voices from all the children’s divisions (Tiny Tots to Juniors) at Big Camp. They will sing the songs they have learned this week at camp. This will start at 4:00pm in the Big Tent today, concluding with a closing Sabbath and Closing Camp message by Pr Brett Townend.

Can we raise $5,000 for a new cooking classroom?

Pr Dada from Alstonville SDA Church is on a mission trip right NOW. They have completed their project which has also used their financial resources. His Annual leave is running out, but if we can raise the $5,000 by the end of camp, we can gift a school new cooking classroom and he will get it done.

Due to the speed needed we are using GoFundMe right this time. And it it going to Carol Boehm‘s fundraising account (South Pacific Division) to be delivered directly to them.

Have you ever felt like your talents are being wasted? Room S1 2:30-3:30 and 3:45 – 4:45

If you have ever felt like there must be something more, that talents you have are being wasted at worst or not utilised to their fullest at best. Rest assured those feeling can come from what the Bible talks about burying talents in the sand, and not improving them.  Sometime we are capable of so much more, but it seems circumstance prevents us reaching those goals.  If you feel anything like this then this workshop is essential for you to attend.

The presenters here are very good at building a personal brand for people through coaching, and allowing them to achieve their goals.

The workshop is actually in two parts, and it’s not just about formatting a resume to make it look professional, and the usual ways they can be written.  The first part is about special ways of crafting a resume to make sure you make the short list for the job or position you really want.

The second part is how to use and leverage the social media/linked in profiles to position yourself in a place where companies will actually chase you, and head hunt you.

With people in careers usually working for a single employers for about 2.5 to 3.5 years these days, it is becoming so much more important to have these skills.

Completing this workshop will also allow you to become part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group.  It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members on it as possible.

This quality training would usually cost hundreds of dollars, and be difficult to access people of this calibre. so take advantage of it on the last workshop day at camp.

Location Change – Church Clerk Training and Membership Training – Pr Joseph Maticic

Location Change: to the Pine Rivers Church

Church Clerks new and old are invited for a very practical seminar about all church clerk duties. This will include how to be an efficient Clerk and practical procedures.

This workshop is for all local church clerks/secretaries and membership clerks.

  • Covering topics such as:
    • Understanding Church structure
    • Best practice for Board and Business Meetings
    • Good Minute taking
    • Membership record keeping, transfers and procedures (ACMS)
    • Q and A

Presented by Pr Joseph Maticic, General Secretary, South QLD Conference and Latasha Penate, Conference Membership Secretary

Dare to Connect with Others – Practical tips to Connect with people in your community

For decades, the church has operated on a “come and see” model of evangelism. People were willing to go to church or check out weekly ministries because the church was broadly seen as trustworthy and needed. Sadly, today that is not always the case. Thus in order to connect with the unchurched, our model of evangelism needs to turn outward, shifting from a “come and see” to a “go and connect” mentality. In order to be effective in connecting with the unchurched – we have to start meeting people right where they are. Because guess what? We can’t meet people where they are not. One of the things we notice about Jesus method of connecting with each individual is that they were each a little different. In this workshop we explore some practical ways to connect and share Jesus.

Pastor Nicu Dumbrava is the Personal Ministries Director for the Australian Union Conference.


New Workshop about reducing Chronic Diseases Today 2:30-3:30 Room S19

Although it isn’t listed in the focus, it is in the App and filling the place of the cancelled workshop. It will be run by George, the trainer who has been running the early morning fitness sessions.

George makes a big claim of “If you reduce the risk factors of chronic disease, you can reverse the effects of the disease in anywhere from two weeks to two years.” but he clarifies that it is not a cure.  God can cure, we can only reduce the risk factors, so if you go back to your old ways, things will return.

George has been studying this for 25 years, and read over 5,000 articles and 500 books in his search for health.  Because in his 20’s he was super fit and super sick.  He could do 104 push-ups, but he was sick and in pain all the time.  But when he researched it and discovered the root cause then he changed his life, for the better.

Chronic diseases include commonly known conditions such as:

  • arthritis
  • high blood pressure
  • sleep apnoea
  • obesity
  • PCOS
  • fatty liver
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • asthma

George Stefan, 
Nutritionist (AIMA Member)  – dealing with health conditions
Personal Trainer
Health Researcher

Acti-Pass Purchases can be made up to midday for the next days activities

If you haven’t purchased an acti-pass yet, don’t worry, you can still do the activities – starting tomorrow! Participants will need to collect their wristbands from the Acti-pass office located near the top registration office near the Pine Rivers Church. Activities can be purchased online from links found in this app or in-person at the acti-pass office by midday the day before. So, don’t miss the bus! Get yourself organised the day before. Enjoy!

Morning Exercise Classes

The 6am exercise classes are located at the Gymnasium near the school. This is the big building near the swimming pool at the top of the hill amongst all the caravans.

Pool Hours

The swimming pool hours will be posted on the gate at the pool. The pool is limited to 150 people—you may need to wait in line. Children 14 years and under must be accompanied by an adult (18 or over).

Everyone must wear shoes when entering and exiting the swimming pool; pool supervisors to monitor that this is being followed. Obey the lifeguard at all times.

Sunday to Thursday 2 pm – 5 pm
Friday 1 pm – 4 pm

Vehicles to be moved from the ovals please

We have activities scheduled on the ovals, and so it is urgent that vehicles be moved from blocking these activities to the North or South parks.

It would be greatly appreciated that if your car is parked in this photo, you could urgently moved it to those designated areas.


2.30 pm in the Big Tent – Miracles, and extreme mission reports from our biggest evangelistic and baptisms campaign ever! Hear about miracles, changed lives, on a scale we have not seen before.

Hear first hand experiences of stories and mission reports from our biggest evangelistic and baptisms campaign ever! Plan to be there 2:30 pm today in the Big Tent.

But the success means we need to also raise $400,000 to care for them all. How much can you help?

Parking on Sabbath

Main Gates closed at 8 am on Sabbath…. The police will be closing the front gates of the camp ground and the only access will be from Hughes Rd East from 8am. The police will also be blocking the main gates and guiding traffic away from the main gate.

The local council however have said they will dispatch parking inspectors to fine guests parking on the grass of both Old Gympie Road and Hughes Rd East for the duration of the day. The only available parking will be the ovals at Northpine School at the end of Hughes Rd. Directions will be provided and buggies will be present to ferry people to their destinations.

See the graphic below for areas where parking is not allowed.

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.