Canvas Chronicles

Edition 08
Big Camp News
Friday 20th September

25000spins and Ride4Rescue are searching for riders

If you are high energy, love health, and being part of a team, whilst raising funds for a few key charities including ADRA. There are two spots left for the 25000spins Alps to Ocean in NZ starting late January. DOWNHILL, my kind of ride… 100kms in a day…. well maybe my kind of ride.

But if you think that’s too easy, then there is Canberra to Mount Kosciuszko Ride4Rescue has twelve spots left in February 2025. This is only for mountain bikes or gravel bikes. (yes, that’s a real thing)

For information on either one see Ben or David at the Baenana van when you order your dessert.

50″ 4k Smart Tv’s for $200 for your church

At any time today you can go to the Adventist Media Expo Booth and purchase one of their TV’s for your church to use for $200 (or can be purchased for individual use for $225). There are four available and come with the original box. You don’t have to wait for the end of the day, they can be collected as soon as the Expo Hall opens. They are Kogan Ju8000 series 50″ 4k TV’s and can be purchased individually.

Snake Catcher Working all camp – this one was harmless

The snakes are waking up and there have been a few sightings around camp. This one was a ‘green’ tree snake with different colouring and is harmless. However, not all little snakes that have been seen around camp are harmless, so please treat them with respect and call the snake catcher, Mark Goldsmith, on 0417 917 752.

Spend some time in the Prayer Tent today

Big Camp is a wonderful time to socialise and learn new skills and ideas at the workshops. The Prayer Tent is a beautiful sanctuary where you can combine the two by taking someone else or a group of friends to pray. The Bible says ‘where two or three are gathered’ so why not make that practical at some time today? Or just read the prayers others have left and pray over them.

Upcoming Rides for ADRA sign-up links


Next ride: 30 January – 5 February 2025

Lake Tekapo to Oamaru, New Zealand (Transfers from Christchurch)

Raise funds for ADRA Australia, ADRA NZ, The Fred Hollows Foundation or World Bicycle Relief

Sign up link: (two spots left!)

Contact for further information: [email protected]

Can’t make the ride? Sponsor one of your friends from South Queensland!

Full Ride Highlights from the 25000spins Alps 2 Ocean Trail adventure in 2020: 


Next ride: 18 – 23 February 2025

Canberra to Mount Kosciuszko

Raise funds for ADRA (The Blossom Project, Vanuatu) or Restore One (Cambodia)

Sign up link: (less than 12 spots remaining!)

Contact for further information: [email protected]

Highlights video from Ride4Rescue’s Capital to Kosci ride in February 2024:

You can also chat to Ben or Dave in the Baenana van – they’ve done both rides!

Women’s Ministry Tent women are preparing for war

Throughout the week, the Women’s Ministry tent has been studying how to fight the Devil on a spiritual battleground. The reports have been good, and the meetings very well attended. If you haven’t been (and you are one of our women) then check it out today.

Literature Evangelists Tent shares the urgency of the work

The work is before us; will we engage in it? We must work fast, we must go steadily forward. We must be preparing for the great day of the Lord. We have no time to lose, no time to be engaged in selfish purposes. The world is to be warned. What are we doing as individuals to bring the light before others? God has left to every man his work; every one has a part to play, and we cannot neglect this work except at the peril of our souls (Selected Messages, Volume 1, 126).

Fun filled family-friendly EDUCATION SHOWCASE – Today 11:30+

From Friday 20th September starting at 11:30am, our schools and ELCs will be in the Piazza (between the Big Tent and Baenana) for a fun-filled morning with family friendly activities and giveaways. There will be some amazing things on display that have been created by the staff and students of our schools.

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.