Deep insights flowing from the ADRA booth in the Expo Hall

ADRA have taken a novel approach at their expo booth this year, posting thought-provoking questions daily on a large board and inviting passerby to write their response in the blank space. These questions have sparked some rather good replies from the camp community. Upon request, ADRA has agreed to share those insights right here with the readers of the Big Camp Chronicles.

What is the most pressing need in your community?

  • friendship and support
  • stuff needs to be cheaper
  • reduced cost of living
  • homes
  • read Bible
  • homeless people don’t have money and food
  • start more charities
  • too many high prices
  • cheaper bills better homes

How can you use your voice to make a difference?

  • Encourage someone who looks sad
  • Defend the truth
  • have a conversation with someone
  • make sure people aren’t lonely
  • saying I love you to my Grandma

If your house burnt down tomorrow, where would you go?

  • family’s
  • Grandma’s
  • My cousin
  • I wish I had a home
  • My local ADRA
  • ADRA
  • evacuation centre (no friends)
  • my church
  • a neighbour’s

Very thought provoking questions and answers, some heart-breaking.

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