Where does all the money from the Baenana van go?

With the bananas donated and the Baenana van doing a roaring trade, it’s natural to wonder. So where is Rachel Beaden’s house? Click for the google maps link…. kidding, she doesn’t keep a single cent of the money. In fact, even her time is donated. All the proceeds from the healthy (n)ice cream van goes to the cause she is fundraising for: her family’s next 25,000spins bike ride for ADRA. The family covers all their own expenses, so the funds raised go directly to ADRA.

25,000spins was started back in 2009 by Adventist expat Craig Shipton, who was working in finance in London. Feeling unfulfilled by the corporate grind making money for the banks, Craig decided to dedicate one day a week to organising a charity bike ride. And the ride he chose? From London, England to Paris, France! Talk about starting small! His vision grew, and since that first ride, over $7.5 million has been raised for a very worth cause. He chose the name 25,000spins as it would be the number of spins the pedals go through on a bike per day, but it’s also symbolic of the 25,000 children who die daily from preventable causes. Ever since this first ride they have run one or two rider per year.

So, when you bite into that delicious banana-based dessert today, tomorrow, or even Saturday night, know that unlike Eve’s fateful bite, yours is saving lives.

  • Note Baenana is also open late for late night shopping Thursday night
Baenana found my vehicle was suitable for the drive-through option @TheNewsBugSQ

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