How to share when they don’t care – Quintin Betteridge

25+ Tent 25+ Tent

Quintin Betteridge is the lead pastor at Kingscliff Church. He will be presenting a thought-provoking seminar called, How to share when they don’t care. Discover practical tips and strategies to connect with those who seem indifferent to faith, and learn how to share your faith with others in a secular post-christian world. 

Resume Writing Repeat 2

Northpine School - Room S1 -27.220558, 152.984621, Northpine School - Room S1

As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group.  It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members on […]

Become and ELIA Wellness Hub

Pine Rivers Church Hall -27.220873, 152.987572

Discover how your church or school can become a ELIA Wellness Hub.  To take members and the community on a journey to whole person health, and an experience with Jesus. As Dr Geraldine Przybylko (MBA, MPH, PhD, FASLM) takes us through this presentation that explores the impact of prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, and faith have on […]

How faith and lifestyle can bring healing from pain. Repeat

Pine Rivers Church

Lachlan is a Physiotherapist and the founder of Physio Pain Coach. He has spent the last 6 years helping people with chronic pain. Lachlan has completed post-graduate studies in pain science with leading pain researcher Lorimer Moseley at the University of South Australia. He believes that faith and lifestyle factors can have a profound impact […]

Creating a LinkedIn Profile Repeat 2

Northpine School Northpine Christian College, 29 Hughes Rd E, Dakabin QLD 4503

  As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group.  It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members […]

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for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.