Canvas Chronicles

Edition 09
Big Camp News
Saturday 21st September

25+ Tent have had a media blitz this year – Their Media Success

The 25+ Tent has taken a dedicated focus this year on social media. They transformed the old chapel near the tent into a live studio for the week where David Gillespie and his team hosted a series of interviews throughout the entire camp. The result? Over 50,000 combined views so far—more than the number of people we’ve had at camp, even on Sabbath!

Check out the Instagram below! On top of that, our Facebook reach hit 5,100 people, and YouTube reached 2,500. The best part? All the effort that went into creating this incredible content stays online, so throughout the year, as people search for these topics, they’ll continue to discover the amazing truths we shared at camp.

Image Supplied Dayne Habermann

Our President’s new Haircut was for ADRA

The editor has been saving this one all week. When else do you get to see the SQ Conference President wearing a halo? The ADRA Barber, who generously donated 100% of his time this week to keep the men around camp looking sharp and stylish, shared his amazing story – formerly a wedding hairdresser and barber, he’s now with the Queensland Police department.
When he handed over this photo of our president with a halo, how could we resist sharing it with all of you?

Camp Cleaners have been doing a great job

A huge shoutout and heartfelt thanks to the amazing cleaning team for their cheerful and tireless work this week. They’ve kept the place looking spotless with a smile throughout the duration of camp, and we’re so grateful. Special recognition also goes to the Camp Superintendent’s office for their quick response in fixing any issues that were made aware to them.

The ABC would like to thank Pr Neil Tyler for years of service

Having a reputation of being an absolute legend on the till, Pr Neil Tyler has faithfully served camp at the ABC over many years. Word on the street is that he will be retiring next year. Gloria from the ABC has said she will really miss how he is with customers and his faithfulness to making our ABC experience great.

Generations of Tradition

Fred and Chris Coccetti have been attending Big Camp for over thirty years, making it a cherished tradition and a must-attend event. In the early days, they borrowed caravans from friends and acquaintances. Their daughter, Chelise Hoy, recalls first attending Big Camp at the age of four and has continued to come every year, only missing twice due to being overseas.

Chelise has brought her children—Hudson, Bailey, and Emmy—to Big Camp every year since they were babies. Growing up in the Maroochydore church alongside our beloved Canvas Chronicles editor, Pr Ben, Chelise shares, “Big Camp is our favourite week of the whole year. We start looking forward to the next one as soon as camp ends.” 

Emmy proudly said about her mother, “My mum is strong.” It’s wonderful to have such strong women in our church, serving as role models and passing on their values to the next generation.

From incredible tragedy to salvation for many

Remembering Leif Frauenfelder. “Even though he is no longer with us, his life is a testimony still” wrote his teenage friend. “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 was a favourite verse for Leif. His story is God’s story.

Sixteen years ago, September 21, 2008, was Sunday on the first weekend of Big Camp here at Watson Park. No one knew that my son Leif would die that night in a car accident as he travelled home from camp.

Leif’s life was changed when he “fell in love with Jesus” just after his 18th birthday in April 2008. He stated, “ I was an Adventist one day a week, then I became Adventist seven days a week.” Daily Bible study and prayer became central to his life, with Jesus as his very best friend. Leif and his friend Scott bought lots of Bibles and took them to Fiji to give away, and Leif promised his new friend, an Adventist young man named Marika, that he would return with 2000 Bibles.

Leif wrote a list of the Pacific Island nations where Bibles were needed for young people to study. He wrote “60,000 Bibles”! Leif shared with Pastor Nick Kross, SPD Youth Leader, the urgency for the youth of the Pacific region to receive Bibles, and after Leif’s death, God inspired Pastor Nick to create the huge “World Changers Bible Project”, which has led to thousands of baptisms in the South Pacific Division.
Leif’s new love for Jesus led him to spend his “life savings” buying hundreds of Bibles, and on Sunday afternoon at camp, he joyfully gave 145 beautiful giant print Bibles to “Volunteers In Action” (see photo) which were delivered to prisoners in Vanuatu in 2009.

Leif’s mother Lynne, over many years raised funds to fulfil Leif’s promise to get 2000 Bibles to Fiji.
As Big Camp 2024 ends today, please personally consider your own commitment to be a faithful follower of our faithful God, as His love for you will never cease. Please pray often that God’s perfect love, joy, and peace will bring comfort to all mourners the death of a loved family member or friend.
God bless. Geofrey Frauenfelder. Leif’s dad. 

An old Yarn – but we fact checked it and it’s true.

Back in the day, Pr. Kevin Geelan was working as a Literature Evangelist in Wollongong. While there, his daughter was attending violin lessons. One day, the violin teacher asked the Pastor’s wife what Kevin did for a living. She replied, “He works on projects for the community. It’s hard to describe, it would be better to just make an appointment and let him show you.”

The teacher agreed and made an appointment, but forgot to tell her husband. When Kevin arrived at their address to give his presentation, he saw they lived in a beautiful house right on the mountainside overlooking the harbour. He found out that the husband was a world-class viola teacher with international students that would stay at his house while he taught them. Undaunted, Kevin started his book presentation to the family.

There were three children in the home – a 15 year old girl, a 10 year old boy, and an 8 year old girl. By the end of the presentation, the mother wanted the home medicine books, the daughter wanted the teen book, Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know, the son wanted The Handbook For Boys, and the youngest? She wanted the entire Bible Story Set!

While taking it all in, the father starts asking questions. Pr Kevin, without missing a beat, said, “I’ve got just the thing in the car, I’ll be right back.” He returned with the entire Conflict of the Ages series. The father told Pr Keven that had he come two weeks ago, he would’ve said no to all of this. But for the last two weeks, he’d had a Mormon student from Utah in the USA keeping him up until 2am every night talking about God.

So at the perfect time, God filled the home with two health books, two teen guides, the 8 volume Bible Story Set, and the entire 5 books series of the Conflict of the Ages—an LE’s dream and a decent commission for all those books!

When asked if the family became Adventist, Kevin humbly says, “That’s not my business,” and then quotes 1 Corinthians 3:6: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God gives the increase.”

Canvas Chronicles would like to thank Pr Ben’s Naomi

Naomi has not only been supporting Pr Ben by reporting on meetings, workshops, the Women’s Ministry Tent and story ideas for the Canvas Chronicles the entire camp, but her cheery disposition has been a pleasure to be around for those who have had the chance to meet her. Thank-you Naomi.

Canvas Chronicles Thanks Editors and Story Content Creators

Pr Ben would like to thank the people behind this year’s Canvas Chronicles who made sure the focus stayed on the content and inspirational stories within, rather than, albeit sometimes very easy, hunt for typos. Thank you Tash Sal for being the main editor, up and editing just after 5am and Naomi Vaotuua (The ADRA Naomi) for presenting stories and editing them too.

We would also like to thank those who SMS’d stories throughout the camp, particularly Geoffrey Fraunfelder and Kristiina Somerville for their extensive support.

Proof Readers and Writers Needed

A South Queensland Bible translation project needs the help of proof readers and writers.

If you have the skills and would like to use your spare time to advance God’s cause, contact the Camp newsletter editor Pastor Ben Turner on 0414 642 504.

Todays Weather

This one’s going to be Clear with periodic clouds 14% chance of rain this evening.

High 27°
Low 13°

Winds mostly low 6km/h to 19km/h at 2pm

Attendees into ADRA’s Intro to Psychological First Aid – Here are some (PFA) Links

ADRA’s Intro to Psychological First Aid (PFA) has walked people through the basics of how to support communities and individuals after times of disaster and crisis. The workshop has finished with time for attendees to download the ADRA Touch app (ADRA Touch – Volunteer – Apps on Google Play OR ADRA Touch – Volunteer on the App Store ( to continue honing their PFA skills. In a moving show of hands, nearly everyone shared their desire to support their community in the next disaster response and use their newly acquired skills. 
Heartfelt thanks for ADRA to all who attended for being willing to show God’s heart in such a vital and needed way!

A suggestion for Lunch this year

At Big Camp, we often gather with family and distant relatives for Sabbath lunch, feeling at ease within our familiar circles. However, this Sabbath, I want to challenge you to step outside of that comfort zone. There may be someone nearby who feels lonely or a little out of place. If you notice someone like that, invite them to join your family for Sabbath lunch.

Over 20 years ago, my family experienced one of those “feeling a bit lost” moments ourselves. Having just returned to Australia shortly before Big Camp, we were warmly invited by Pr Mike Brownhill’s family to share haystacks with them and their friends at their tent. It’s a moment we’ve never forgotten.

So, the challenge is simple: this Sabbath, be the one who reaches out.

The Incredible Journey, incredibly expensive ministry but are they Incredibly touching the world?

The Incredible Journey programs are recorded literally all around the world. We have filmed programs on all seven continents. To compliment and deepen the spiritual blessing from the programs, viewers are offered a free, no obligation gift of a booklet or book. TIJ episodes can be seen on a variety of platforms within Australia, New Zealand and around the world. We have 130,000+ subscribers on YouTube and have had 14 million+ views. But they have processed over Australia: 165,000+ free offers in Australia and 16,500+ in New Zealand. That is 165,000 people who not only watched the program, but contacted the address on the screen to receive the offer.

But that’s not all, from these contacts over 5,500 Bible study course have been started in Australia and 1,300 in New Zealand.

Their webstore offers the opportunity for people to purchase from our range of 100+ booklets, 200+ DVDs, the Conflict of the Ages series and the book Steps to Christ. Some of our supporters have purchased multiple copies of our resources to give out within their communities.

And our churches across these two countries really get involved. Some members have made up gift bags with a variety of resources to then gift to their neighbours. A couple of people purchase booklets and DVDs to then offer for free in their shops or businesses. Still others go door knocking and offer to give people a booklet or the TIJ Bible Reading Plan.

TIJ is very different from traditional TV media. Channels like 3ABN, Hope and even TBN are aimed at Christians, and generally broadcast their programs on Christian stations. TIJ is aimed at secular Australians and broadcasts on commercial channels.

TIJ have recently been offered an opportunity to do a 13 part series on a main TV channel in Australia, keeping costs to a minimum this will still cost over 2.5 million dollars for this alone.

Although airing our programs on commercial TV can be discounted is isn’t cheap. For example for Right Around Australia the demands are 50,000 kms of travel for a minimum 3 vehicles, fuel, maintenance, insurance, full year’s accommodation, sharing resources, publicity and media campaign, participation of 250+ churches/schools, multiple evangelism events, successful production of the RAA ads and programs with re-enactments that are the most complex ever undertaken by TIJ, and involve vehicles, actors, and nature scenes.

What TIJ needs most from big camp in 2024 is prayer… prayer they can continue to produce 50 episodes per year, especially considering the tension in Middle East, whist meeting their Australia & New Zealand contract costs, is prayer. God provides through select individuals and families that believe in the use of media to promote the gospel. We need to collectively pray that those who would be willing to give, can be blessed in their business or work pursuits so much they can continue to fund this ministry.

To view our full broadcast schedule, visit our website:

Plumbing preparations for camp have been extensive

Watson Park has done extensive work to prepare for Big Camp this year. You will notice new concrete paths for the caravans, new caravan sites, the pipes were cleaned out in expectation of camp by Shane Eakins (that plumbing van that was busy all camp) new turf has been added, the carpark has had extensive work. All this and more has been done to make camp as smooth an experience as possible.

Security Domain Compromised

It has come to our notice that the domain has been compromised.

Please take the following precautions until further notice:

  • In the last week if you have received any emails from this domain please triple check they appear to be legitimate.  Anything that is remotely suspicious please notify us at [email protected]
  • Avoid opening emails from, even if they appear legitimate.
  • Absolutely do not click on any links or download attachments from emails originating from this domain.
  • Be vigilant with all external communications and report any suspicious activity.

A prayer request:

A prayer request: Wangigi Kiumbura was a 22-year-old “African” young lady who died in a car accident this week. She “helped others to know Jesus through her beautiful singing voice”.
Wangigi was one of the Aitkenvale Adventist youth in Townsville, Queensland. We can pray for God’s love, joy, peace and comfort to her family, those who knew her and comfort all who mourn her death. Read God’s promises in Revelation 21:1-5. 

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.