An old Yarn – but we fact checked it and it’s true.

Back in the day, Pastor Kevin Geelan was working as a Literature Evangelist in Wollongong. As he was doing this he was taking his daughter to Violin Lessons. One day her teacher asked his wife what her husband did. She said “He works on projects for the community”, it’s hard to describe, it would be better to just make an appointment and let him show you. This lady agreed but forgot to tell her husband. When Kevin arrived at their address to give his presentation, he found they lived in a beautiful house right on the mountainside overlooking the harbour. It turns out her husband is a world class viola teacher, and had international students that would stay at his house while he taught them. So undaunted Kevin begins his presentation of books.

There are three children in the house, a 15 year old girl, a 10 year old boy, and 8 year old girl. After the presentation the mother says she wants the books on home medicine, the daughter wants the book on everything a teenage girl should know her bother wants the handbook for boys, but the little sister wants the entire Bible Story Set! The father is taking all this in and starts asking questions. Kevin says I’ve got just the thing for you in the car, I’ll be right back.

Kevin returns with the entire conflict of the ages series, and the father says, you know, if you came two weeks ago I would have said no to all of this. But for the last 2 weeks, I have had a Mormon student from UTAH in the USA and he’s been keeping me up every night till 2:00 am talking about God.

So at the perfect time God filled their house up with 2 health books, 2 teenage guide books, the 8 volume bible story set with stand, and the 5 conflict of the ages books. Actually a decent commission for an LE on all those books!

If you ask Kevin, did they become Adventist? His wise LE answer is “that’s not my business” then Kevin quotes a Bible Verse. “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God gives the increase” 1 Corinthians 3:6

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