Be an LE for a day!

Sone Mariner
"I have been a literature evangelist in the Manning District (NSW) for 4.5 years and then called to leadership in our Literature evangelist program for 38 years in New Zealand and Australia. I have been a leader in both QLD conferences for 5 years and then 12 years for just our Sth QLD Conference.
I have enjoyed every minutes of it, in training Literature evangelist at the doors, and in a class room situation, We ran Outreaches, working cooperatively with churches and Pastors in growing and plant churches where we ran outreaches. We have also come up with some innovative ideas for the development of our Publishing program.

I have been involved in all major changes and development of our Literature evangelist right up to Now. When I looked back I realized as the SOP says
"I was shown that the Publishing work was arranged and established under the special supervision Of God..." Publishing Ministry p53

The best days of our Literature Ministry is now into the future.
Next year, I have decided to pass the leadership on to a young capable young Lady Georgia. The greatest joy for me is seeing L.E's that you help trained becomes powerful leaders and workers for God.

So do you think I will retire? No way, for Jesus is coming soon."
Georgia Kenny
Georgia's journey into literature ministry started when she met Christ personally through the pages of The Desire of Ages as a 19 year old, and shortly after began handing out GLOW tracts which she picked up at her local church's literature rack. She has been involved part-time as an LE since late 2017, and full-time since 2020. She has represented Jump Start LEs as part of the Australia & New Zealand Senior LE team for 3 years, helped pilot the first Youth Rush in Australia, and recently accepted the call as Co-leader for literature ministry within the South Queensland Conference. Her passion is to see more Adventist youth experience personal revival through literature ministry, and her favourite moments are God's divine appointments with His lost sheep, evidenced by their tears and smiles at the end of a visit.
Greg Pratt

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