Canvas Chronicles

Edition 01
Big Camp News
Friday 13th  September

The Ordination of Harley Southwell

Harley Southwell will be ordained this Sabbath in the Big Tent at 2 PM. Harley currently serves as the minister at Emerald church and Longreach group. He previously served at Logan Reserve and Beaudesert churches. He is married to Eliza, and has two boys, Montgomery (2 years) and Lincoln (2 months). Please join us for this special ceremony celebrating and acknowledging Harley and his family in their ministry. 

Big Camp now has an App

Big camp now has an App. You can download it form the Google Play Store or Apple App Store for your phone. Search Big Camp SQ

Parking Fines and locked gates

The police will be fining campers parking on the both roads for both Sabbaths. The front gates will be locked from 8am and enforced by Police.

Parking will only be available at Northpine on the oval as directed.

Sunset Times

Friday 13th September 5:40 pm

Opening Sabbath will be in the Big Tent at 5:30

The Queensland Bush Stone-curlew

You may notice these guys just sitting on the ground as if they are dead. Please don’t try to take them away, most likely they are on their eggs and playing dead. They need to be protected and are part of the scenery around Big Camp. Please ensure your children do not approach or hurt these magnificent birds.

Wake up to PAIN

What could be better than waking up in pain every day? waking up! If you attend the 6:00AM Elia fitness sessions at the school, I can guarantee you will win Mr/Mrs Universe at the end of camp… well maybe not win, but you will be closer than if you didn’t go. And if you continue to use the brand new program throughout the year, you could win Mr/Mrs Big Camp next year! But please take a Before/After photo for next years newsletter.

Big Camp Evangelism

This year we are having an opportunity for anyone attending camp to practically spread the gospel. The LE’s have agreed to practically share their tips and skills, and some amazing experiences at camp. There will be a class taken on how to share your faith in very real and practical ways, followed by actually going out into Dakabin and sharing Jesus with the community. Imagine dozens of us all hitting the streets to tell about Jesus. What’s better than imagining it? Come and be part of it!

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.