$2489 raised in creative ways

The 25+ tent raised almost $2500 for Three Angels Nepal, and the 2023 south conference schoolies leavers trip to Nepal in November.

They run a annual TRIVIA night of seven rounds, vigorously competed mainly for honour, (as the prizes were meagre) all to raise fuds to stop human trafficking.

The rounds were varied from SDA history, Australia to Business Logos. Business Logos was the only round where everyone , Dr Phil Rodionoff and returning host Jesse Dupa was back in full power with his quick witted self.

The final Victor, names after the fearless trivia sponge Mitchell Strahan, “NO IT ALLS” who very quickly said it was a Team effort. Mitch despite his best intention to not have his name in the team name, was denied this anomality however as the host Dupa, was having nothing of that, re-naming the team from the front. “Mitches Britches” – because they also won last years trivia night too.

They also ran the Honey Bee Cafe, which serve a very delicious breakfast, continental breakfast style with fresh juices to boot. All combined these efforts will help our people on the front lines fighting against the very unsavory underworld characters in human trafficking, please keep those serving with Three Angels Nepal in your prayers.

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