Women get an exclusive retreat at camp

At 11:00-12:00 am whole groups of women disappear from the camp ground. They have found a space that definitely had a female interior designer, lavish furnishings, free snacks, table arrangements, and a great atmosphere. If you were a man who loves that atmosphere, and wishes they could get it, well you’ll have to talk to your pastor to try and create a little exclusive club just for men. Because this is the At The Table tent, from women’s ministry. Drinks, Mentos, bickies, all that free stuff, plus an atmosphere of support and love. It’s just not for men. But if you are a woman, that exclusive club is definitely worth checking out. It’s located just behind the Pie Shop. It might not look as plush from the outside, but menfolk, that’s just to put us off so we don’t get jealous…

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