Prayer isn’t something we do to begin and end the work

Pr Nicu shared a profound statement: “Prayer isn’t something we do to begin and end the work” Too often we treat prayer like a ritual – a very important one – yes – but something we do beforehand and at the conclusion of the work being done.

For example, when we go door to door, we might start with a prayer for safety and success, then move on to what we see as the actual task, concluding with another prayer.

But Pr Nicu emphasised how prayer itself is the actual work, and needs to be seen as such.

Becoming a place of prayer – so much so that you’re known in the community as a house of prayer – is transforming Adventist churches worldwide. Even in first world countries, this approach is revitalising churches and growing them faster than any other evangelistic effort to date. If you missed his workshop seek him out on the grounds of Big Camp to learn more about this powerful, biblically-rooted opportunity that’s often overlooked in our churches.

A 13 study lesson book on Prayer

Pr Ben was so inspired by the workshop that he is going to suggest to his Church Board that they do a 14 days of prayer before the end of the year in his churches to cover this material. That’s how good it was.

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