For late night shopping at Big Camp
Canvas Chronicles
Where does all the money from the Baenana van go?
With the bananas donated and the Baenana van doing a roaring trade, it’s natural to wonder. So where is Rachel Beaden’s house? Click for the google maps link…. kidding, she doesn’t keep a single cent of the money. In fact, even her time is donated. All the proceeds from the healthy (n)ice cream van goes to the cause she is fundraising for: her family’s next 25,000spins bike ride for ADRA. The family covers all their own expenses, so the funds raised go directly to ADRA.
25,000spins was started back in 2009 by Adventist expat Craig Shipton, who was working in finance in London. Feeling unfulfilled by the corporate grind making money for the banks, Craig decided to dedicate one day a week to organising a charity bike ride. And the ride he chose? From London, England to Paris, France! Talk about starting small! His vision grew, and since that first ride, over $7.5 million has been raised for a very worth cause. He chose the name 25,000spins as it would be the number of spins the pedals go through on a bike per day, but it’s also symbolic of the 25,000 children who die daily from preventable causes. Ever since this first ride they have run one or two rider per year.
So, when you bite into that delicious banana-based dessert today, tomorrow, or even Saturday night, know that unlike Eve’s fateful bite, yours is saving lives.
- Note Baenana is also open late for late night shopping Thursday night

Pr Nimrod Preaches up a storm
Wednesday night at the youth tent was a first for this editor, hearing topics like greed, tithing, anger, jealousy, and lust all woven into the same sermon. Yet, Pr Nimrod masterfully tied them together. He shared the powerful message that “Lust destroys the soul” and emphasised that sexual purity isn’t just for until marriage—it’s for eternity. “If you have a problem with lust before marriage, it will carry into the marriage. Marriage won’t fix it,” he said. In a moving moment at the end of the sermon, many of our youth gathered at the front, joined by a large pastoral team, to make a covenant with God, committing to guard their eyes and seek His protection.

Youth Tent Expresses their Talent in Music

Right after Pr Nimrod’s powerful message and prayer session, a group of exceptionally talented musicians took the stage to perform a song they wrote during camp. The song beautifully captured the themes he has been preaching all week—about a God of deep love, abundant grace, and boundless mercy. The combination of heartfelt lyrics and world-class vocals created a truly unforgettable moment for everyone present.
Deep insights flowing from the ADRA booth in the Expo Hall
ADRA have taken a novel approach at their expo booth this year, posting thought-provoking questions daily on a large board and inviting passerby to write their response in the blank space. These questions have sparked some rather good replies from the camp community. Upon request, ADRA has agreed to share those insights right here with the readers of the Big Camp Chronicles.
What is the most pressing need in your community?
- friendship and support
- stuff needs to be cheaper
- reduced cost of living
- homes
- read Bible
- homeless people don’t have money and food
- start more charities
- too many high prices
- cheaper bills better homes
How can you use your voice to make a difference?
- Encourage someone who looks sad
- Defend the truth
- have a conversation with someone
- make sure people aren’t lonely
- saying I love you to my Grandma
If your house burnt down tomorrow, where would you go?
- family’s
- Grandma’s
- My cousin
- I wish I had a home
- My local ADRA
- evacuation centre (no friends)
- my church
- a neighbour’s
Very thought provoking questions and answers, some heart-breaking.
Chronic Disease workshop packed and overflowing

George Stefan’s workshop on chronic diseases was so popular that it started late – why? They had to move chairs from multiple classrooms just to ‘fit’ everyone in the room (pun intended)! George shared that although you can’t cure a disease, you can reverse it’s symptoms.
George also shared how you can be skinny fat, explaining how someone may look super fit on the outside – exercising a lot, able to do 104 push-ups, have 4 black belts – yet constantly sick. His workshop covered this and many other gems for living 20 years of better health with ease. If you missed it, don’t worry! He’ll be repeating yesterday’s class, so make sure you catch it!
“See you on the radio!”
Big Camp radio has been broadcasting locally each morning on 90.7 FM. Earlier in the week, Lisa Booth, South QLD Conference’s new ADRA Regional Manager shared a bit of her story and work.
This morning at 8:30am, Lisa’s teammate, Naomi Vaotuua, will walk campers through the essentials of creating an emergency plan. Tune in to learn about what should go in a go-bag, key actions to take and practical rhythms to adopt to ensure you’re prepared for emergencies. Just as we prepare our hearts for WHO is coming (Jesus), let’s also take time to prepare ourselves and communities for WHAT is coming (Matthew 24:7,8).
Into to Psychological First Aid Attendees answer the appeal
ADRA’s Intro to Psychological First Aid (PFA) has walked people through the basics of how to support communities and individuals after times of disaster and crisis. The workshop has finished with time for attendees to download the ADRA Touch app (ADRA Touch – Volunteer – Apps on Google Play OR ADRA Touch – Volunteer on the App Store ( to continue honing their PFA skills. In a moving show of hands, nearly everyone shared their desire to support their community in the next disaster response and use their newly acquired skills.
Heartfelt thanks to ADRA, and to all who attended for their willingness to show God’s heart in such a vital and needed way!
Extreme early Australian adventures from a Literature Evangelist (Video Interview Included)
The first car to drive all around Australia was a Citroen, and it was driven my one of our Literature Evangelists. Based in Western Australia, which was even more remote and vast back then, his journey was nothing short of epic. At one point, it took him 18 hours to travel just 15 km. Along the way, he popped all his tyres and tubes, resorting to running on the rims and stuffing the tyres with grass and cowhides. In the middle of the wilderness, he walked for kilometres to find fuel and even drove while holding his thumb over a fuel leak under the dash, unable to see the road ahead. He disassembled his gearbox, twice, relying on a blacksmith for repairs when the first fix didn’t last 20 km.
The adventure was real, raw, and unforgettable. For a stop-by-stop account of this incredible journey, check out the video linked below—it’s a story worth hearing!
2025 Sabbath School Curriculum is so Excellent other denominations want to use it too

Alive In Jesus is the new Sabbath School Curriculum and it is excellent. It covers ages from Beginners (0-3) and includes everything a new Sabbath School teacher needs. It includes detailed activity instructions (sensory box), songs that can be freely taught, poems, all sorts of activities. It is so good that other denominations have approached and asked if they can use it, and because it is the Bible and gospel message, we said sure. We want the message of Jesus to go out in the strongest way possible to the most people possible. Make sure your church is as prepared for next year as those who have seen it, know its worth.
The youth tent is different to how I remember it
When I was younger and attending the Youth Tent at Big Camp, I remember it had many empty seats through the week and was packed on weekends. But looking over the Youth Tent last night, it was packed out!