Don’t get mad when you wake up at 3am anymore

In yesterday’s Sleep workshop hosted by 10,000 Toes, over 30 participants were introduced to the idea of sleep cycles and their importance of how much sleep you need. Each night, we go through several sleep cycles, including REM sleep, which is a deep sleep containing rapid eye movement. Modern research suggests a lack of REM sleep might be linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. The workshop highlighted that REM cycles get longer as the night progresses, with the ideal sleep duration for most people being around 7.5 hours.

What if you’re disturbed at 3 am or need to use the bathroom around that time? If you return to bed, your body will pick up where it left off in the sleep cycle. However, if you become annoyed about the disturbance, that annoyance will cause stress levels to rise which will interrupt your sleep. Instead, the next time you wake up at 3am, try focusing on positive thoughts like, “I still have 2 sleep cycles to go before waking up.” This mental shift can make a difference.

Additionally, getting enough sleep helps regulate blood sugar levels. When you’re tired and awake, you might crave sugary foods for energy, which can lead to excess calorie intake and fat storage. So instead of just going to the gym to lose weight, consider getting enough sleep as well. While this wasn’t the workshop’s main message, the idea is clear: prioritise sleep for overall health. For more detailed information and sleep facts, visit the 10,000 Toes stand!

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