Author: Ben turner

Parking on Sabbath

Main Gates closed at 8 am on Sabbath…. The police will be closing the front gates of the camp ground and the only access will be from Hughes Rd East [...]
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4330 Registered for Big Camp

Pr Townend announced that so far there were 4330 registered for Big Camp. However the driver of the news bug noted that only 1,189 had downloaded the Big Camp SQ [...]
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The Ordination of Harley Southwell

Harley Southwell will be ordained this Sabbath in the Big Tent at 2 PM. Harley currently serves as the minister at Emerald church and Longreach group. He previously served at [...]
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Big Camp now has an App

Big camp now has an App. You can download it form the Google Play Store or Apple App Store for your phone. Search Big Camp SQ
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Parking Fines and locked gates

The police will be fining campers parking on the both roads for both Sabbaths. The front gates will be locked from 8am and enforced by Police. Parking will only be [...]
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Camp Buggies

Big Camp Buggies Welcome to the one the things that makes South Queensland Big Camp Special Free courtesy rides in luxury electric vehicles. They will collect you at the designated [...]
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