Big Camp Has Wildlife: Some cute some slithery

Just a reminder that although the grounds of Big Camp are surrounded by new housing estates, the campground is still bordered by some wilderness areas. This means we share the space with local wildlife, including birds, mammals, lizards – and the occasional slithery kind. There have been a few sightings of snakes and “almost snakes” on the grounds, so please stay alert and mindful of your surroundings!

One of the “Almost Snakes” on display

Some of the snakes are venomous and have been active on the grounds. If you see one, we ask that you keep your distance and report it to our local snake catcher. Pr Mark Goldsmith is a real country man at heart, so if you see a ‘nope rope’ or ‘danger noodle’ call him on 0417 917 752 and he will be there very quickly.

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