Canvas Chronicles

Edition 03
Big Camp News
Sunday 15th  September

Big Camp Radio is Broadcasting 90.7 FM

Can’t make it to the Big Tent meetings in person? Don’t worry! Big Camp Radio broadcasts the Big Tent meetings on 90.7FM. You can also listen in to interviews of presenters and other campers. If you have been blessed by God this year or have a missionary story to share, why not tell the whole camp about it. Come see Percy in the demountable (Radio Shack) between the Pie Shop and the Big Tent (just check he’s not interviewing someone else before you knock on the door).

90.7 FM

Evangelistic Program makes Beer company take massive losses

SP Brewery, PNG’s leading beer company, released a report revealing a nationwide sales drop during our two week PNG for Christ program. Why? With Adventist evangelistic meetings happening everywhere, people simply weren’t buying beer! It’s an incredible testament to the powerful impact of the gospel sweeping across PNG!

Sidewalk Secondhand Book Sale TODAY

Starting at 8:30am until 11:00am today, don’t miss your chance to grab some quality pre-loved books on sale! From rare classics to Bibles and everything in between, every find is worth the read. It’s the most affordable way to expand your bookshelf—and it only happens ONCE A YEAR!

How many haircuts can you get?

Well that’s the question at Big Camp this year as we have something new on site – two professional barbers. So if you didn’t have time to style up before camp, no worries—head to the ADRA Tent (formerly the ADRA Op-Shop) for a haircut, where all proceeds go to ADRA, making your trim practically free with a donation to a great cause. Later in the week, check out the ATSIM tent, where the barber there is not only a pro but also a qualified counsellor—so you might walk away with a fresh cut and some free life advice!

EARLY BIRD EDITOR WANTED with fabulous conditions

Big Camp News is the hunt for a fearless and dynamic editor to correct the spelling and grammatical errors that might pop up in this newsletter. Ideally someone who hasn’t just gone through the rigours of Big Camp setup and is now running on fumes! 🙂 Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rise & shine early and review the articles before the Chronicle goes live at 6:00am.

Renumeration includes the incredible joy of being the first to read these articles, an amazing opportunity for heaven to smile at you, and the satisfaction that the grammar police on camp won’t get their thrill from spotting mistakes.

If you’re an early-rising grammar enthusiast with a laptop, decent camp Wi-Fi, and a love for catching typos, then you’re exactly who we need! If not, please show some grace to the New Bug reporter—he’s just as exhausted as the rest of the team. 🙂

Singles Dinner First Sunday of Camp 5:00 pm

Adventist Singles are hosting a dinner tonight at Thai Kasinee, located at 454 Gympie Road, Strathpine (right next to Pizza Hut). For more details, reach out to Lucy Jinga Muzungu at 0452 509 062. Don’t miss out on a great evening!

Famous Eye Surgeon Is very fast in PNG

Reports from one of the clinics during PNG for Christ reveal that one of our surgeons was performing cataract surgeries in just two minutes—consistently! With so many people in need, this speed was crucial. One man, who had heavy cataracts in both eyes, was especially thrilled. As soon as his surgery was done, he rushed home. When our crew asked why he was in such a hurry, he simply said, “I want to see my wife.” He hadn’t been able to see her in years.

Big Camp Numbers are UP

The Camp Superintendent’s office reports a record turnout, with more cars parked than last year and divisions requesting extra seating to accommodate everyone. It’s been wonderful to have all our family and visitors together again. (These photos capture just two of the three car parks!)

Last Minute Preacher answers the call in PNG

Dr. Geradine Przybylko was working alongside her husband during the PNG for Christ mission when a scheduled pastor couldn’t make it. Someone discovered her impressive presentation skills and asked her to lead an evangelistic seminar each night at a location an hour away for 19 presentations. Despite her busy days with health expo and 10,000 Toes training, she agreed. Each evening, she preached while her husband presented at another site.

When she issued the call for baptism, out of a crowd of 3,700, a thousand came forward. She noted that other sites across PNG were seeing similar results. Dr. Przybylko emphasised that this remarkable response wasn’t due to the team’s excellence but was a testament to God’s blessing and work among His people.

PNG for Christ stops a long running hostile war

PNG for Christ has achieved a remarkable feat by stopping a long-running and violent conflict between two hostile communities. There are stories of two communities at war, not a war of words, but a war with blades, big blades and bullets. These groups, who had lived on opposite sides of the road, were engaged in brutal skirmishes, resulting in 38 deaths. When our missionary pastor arrived to preach, both local residents and mission attendees were understandably uneasy.

Yet, on the final night of the meetings, something extraordinary happened. The leaders of both warring communities approached the pastor and requested reconciliation—not just for themselves, but for their entire communities. This powerful moment is a testament to how the Bible can truly transform lives and bring about profound change.

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.