Category: Ed04 Monday 18th September Canvas Chronicle

A Marriage the Lasts a lifetime

It is more about behaviours and choices than compatibility, You don’t have to do this perfectly, anything small can make a long term difference. If you missed this workshop, watching [...]
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50% of marriages fail is rubbish

It is a difficult statistic to measure, but Paul suggested that although the rate of divorce is difficult to measure, it is closer to 1 in 3, 33%-38%. Much better [...]
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Not what He Expected

Peter Beamish has been married for 40 years. Just before the marriage workshop he turned to his wife and asked. “Do you think we have a good marriage” she replied: [...]
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You Can Control your Heart Rate

One of the main ways of controlling the emotional roller coaster is the brain / heart connection. If you can bring you heart rate back down, your body will react [...]
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If you ever over reacting to a situation…

The Adventist Councillors Association meeting yesterday gave great insight into over reactions. The anger response being out of proportion to the action that has caused the over reaction is always [...]
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Living in the NOW

Emotional health is time oriented, if we are living in the past, and then projecting those experiences on the future, our emotions are being controlled by something that is not [...]
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Rejection Hurts Really Bad

In desperate need of a restroom Joseph finally found one, only to be met by a staff member who firmly told him that this was an exclusive club for members [...]
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Biblical Love is Different

Biblical love is the act of the will, with emotion, responding ON BEHALF of it’s object. From this statement the Youth Tent were shown that Biblical Love is a choice. [...]
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Greco/Roman idea of Love is Bad

This Greco/Roman idea of Love is based on this little baby with wings, and has darts, and shoots them at people, and they get all these feelings, and fall in [...]
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