Category: Canvas Chronicles

Morning Exercise Classes

The 6am exercise classes are located at the Gymnasium near the school. This is the big building near the swimming pool at the top of the hill amongst all the [...]
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Pool Hours

SWIMMING POOL:The swimming pool hours will be posted on the gate at the pool. The pool is limited to 150 people—you may need to wait in line. Children 14 years [...]
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Last Minute Preacher answers the call in PNG

Dr. Geradine Przybylko was working alongside her husband during the PNG for Christ mission when a scheduled pastor couldn’t make it. Someone discovered her impressive presentation skills and asked her [...]
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Big Camp Numbers are UP

The Camp Superintendent’s office reports a record turnout, with more cars parked than last year and divisions requesting extra seating to accommodate everyone. It’s been wonderful to have all our [...]
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Famous Eye Surgeon Is very fast in PNG

Reports from one of the clinics during PNG for Christ reveal that one of our surgeons was performing cataract surgeries in just two minutes—consistently! With so many people in need, [...]
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2.30 pm in the Big Tent – Miracles, and extreme mission reports from our biggest evangelistic and baptisms campaign ever! Hear first hand experiences of stories and mission reports from [...]
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for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.