Starting at 9.00 am to 11:00 am. Many quality pre-loved books will be on sale. Some rare classics, some Bibles, but all of them will be worth the read. Its’ [...]
These Sunday workshops leave one really strong question, which one do I have to miss out on. It’s a very hard decision. Good marriages are not about good luck! Paul [...]
Over a few years a group of Adventists were witnessing to people in a Highrise. The years of Bible Studies have made not only an impact on the Spiritual lives [...]
When a PNG man told a Park Ridge missions team that he wanted to become a minister, they gave him a bunch of World Changers Bibles. From that beginning in [...]
Our church has an active AI assistant, that gives Bible Studies! It’s on Whatsapp. It is called “Hope VA” (Hope Virtual Assistant.) If you want to check out the latest [...]
Machetes are no longer the weapon of choice in Tribal Warfare in PNG. They much prefer the modern AK47. During a recent flare up resulting in massive fighting between large [...]
The Prime Minister of PNG practices a Digital Sabbath from his mobile phone from Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. Every week, he turns it back on after these hours. (He [...]