Category: Ed03 Sunday 17th September Canvas Chronicle

Sidewalk Secondhand Book Sale TODAY

Starting at 9.00 am to 11:00 am. Many quality pre-loved books will be on sale. Some rare classics, some Bibles, but all of them will be worth the read. Its’ [...]
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Sunday Workshops that Can’t Be Missed

These Sunday workshops leave one really strong question, which one do I have to miss out on. It’s a very hard decision. Good marriages are not about good luck! Paul [...]
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Bible Studies Drop Crime

Over a few years a group of Adventists were witnessing to people in a Highrise. The years of Bible Studies have made not only an impact on the Spiritual lives [...]
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Bibles Grow Churches

When a PNG man told a Park Ridge missions team that he wanted to become a minister, they gave him a bunch of World Changers Bibles. From that beginning in [...]
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AI Bible Studies

Our church has an active AI assistant, that gives Bible Studies! It’s on Whatsapp. It is called “Hope VA” (Hope Virtual Assistant.) If you want to check out the latest [...]
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PNG Prime Minister Uncontactable

The Prime Minister of PNG practices a Digital Sabbath from his mobile phone from Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. Every week, he turns it back on after these hours. (He [...]
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PNG bustling with women

There are over 120 active female pastors in PNG right now. They are very active in spreading the Gospel over there.
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