Category: Ed05 Tuesday 19th September Canvas Chronicle

It is more stressful to be a woman.

Did you know that TWICE as many females experienced Psychological distress than males since 2012. In 2012 22.4% of women indicated they were experiencing Psychological Distress, but in 2020 (pre [...]
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It is getting worse

Long after we started scientifically measuring levels of psychological distress/ 27% of young people are reporting Mental Health Challenges, as their biggest personal challenges (Low mental health, Stress, anxiety, depression, [...]
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South Queenslanders Still Read Books

In 2023 so far the Literature Evangelists have sold 630 message books! However there is an initiative called Youth Rush. Where young people volunteer a year of their time to [...]
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What’s with the Big Tent Set Design?

When asked to design and create a Jesus-centred stage for the Big Tent this year on the theme CONNECT, Pastor Annalise Cherry was inspired by the stunning historical stained-glass designs [...]
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$2489 raised in creative ways

The 25+ tent raised almost $2500 for Three Angels Nepal, and the 2023 south conference schoolies leavers trip to Nepal in November. They run a annual TRIVIA night of seven [...]
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