ATSIM Cultural Weaving Program

Ivy Minniecon is a descendant of the Kuku Yalanji, Kabi Kabi, Gooreng Gooreng and South Sea Islander Nations, with an arts practice grounded in a sense of place, connection, and belonging to Country.  

Ivy’s main focus is the Yalanji weave of the balji, a traditional bag made from the kakan of the duwar (Black Palm), native to the Daintree Rainforest. Her current weaving practice translates lived experiences into a healing journey and holistically speaks of art and culture being linked intrinsically to our identity. 

As an emerging artist and a graduate from the Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art program, Qld College of Art, Ivy is currently exhibiting nationally and has her artworks held in many collections. Currently studying a Bachelor of Visual Art (Honours), Ivy plans to start her Doctorate in of Visual Art in the coming years to ensure these traditional cultural practices are carried on for many generations to come.

  “As an Indigenous weaver from Far North Queensland, I am aware that I live, work and respectfully practice on someone else’s Country. Whilst there are synergies between weaving echniques across Australia, each individual nation has it’s own unique way. The weaving technique attached to my practice was taught to me by a Kuku Yalanji senior weaver and cultural practitioner. This unique weave from Country keeps me connected to place, purpose, and my identity. These baskets are an ongoing series that looks at cultural practice as a form of healing and I weave every day while walking. I reflect on traditional cultural practices and the act of weaving creates a meditative state healing anxiety, stress and trauma memories.  The heart of my practice looks at holistic ideas of art and culture being intrinsically linked to our identity.”

Please join Ivy at the ATSIM space in the expo hall to learn the art of cultural weaving from a Nationally Renowned Cultural Weaver. Make sure to book one of the two sessions offered at big Camp to be sure no to miss out on learning one of the oldest forms of art.

You can make your booking at the ATSIM space in the EXPO Hall.

Dates: 18 & 20 September
Time: 4:30 - 7:30 pm
Venue: Expo Hall

Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.