Three years in a row trivia champion reigns again

The dreams of hopeful trivia competitors to finally beat Team Mitch were shattered as Team Mitch, won once again, crushed the competition with the same ferocity as the stone that smashed the toes in Daniel chapter 2. Mitch’s team claimed victory once more – and handsomely at that. This year, physical challenges were added between the rounds, offering the winners an extra 5 bonus points per challenge. But Mitch’s team didn’t need them. They still won, even at the disadvantage of not having the 15 bonus points up for grabs.

But I’ve got a plan to finally dethrone Mitch next year—let him write the questions! It’s the only way I can see to stop the trivia freight train that is Team Mitch. Otherwise, we might as well engrave next year’s trophy with his name right now to save time. (And just for the record, the fact that the editor and Mitch used to share a house in Sydney has absolutely nothing to do with this healthy rivalry!)

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