Marriage and Family - Paul Bogacs

Good marriages are not about good luck!
Drawing on some of the best research available to us, we will outline what works in long term, satisfying relationships. Learn why its important to draw your love map, how to make frequent bids for connection and how to manage perpetual conflicts.
How to keep your kids out of therapy!
In this workshop we explore parenting from the perspective of building emotionally resilient children and young people. We will discuss why over-protecting our kids is not helpful and why both firmlove and softlove are vital to producing emotionally healthy adults.
25+ Tent
9:30 am – 10:45 am

About the Presenter - Paul Bogacs
Paul has a long history (he’s reasonably ancient) of being involved in the people business. After some years in youth ministry, Paul completed training in Marriage and Family Therapy and transitioned into counselling and the training of counsellors. He has been the head of counselling education at Avondale University since 2013. To make sure he doesn’t get bored, he is trying (very hard) to finish his PhD in the Psychology of Religion. When he gets time to play, he enjoys snow skiing, his boat and jet ski and travelling. He has one wife and they have four children between them and 5 grandchildren.