Canvas Chronicles

Edition 05
Big Camp News
Tuesday 17th  September

Free DONUTS! DONUT underestimate the power of Adventist Education!

Donut lovers, rejoice! Come grab your FREE donut at the Expo Hall daily between 2:30 – 4pm, and on Friday between 11:30am from the Education showcase in the piazza. And that’s not all—there’s free popcorn too! The team can’t wait to meet you, so swing by and treat yourself!

1,000kg of Donated Bananas need to be consumed – can you help?

Pictured here is Brad Warden with 1,000 kg of bananas donated to Baenana for them to create their delicious ice creams. These generous farmers have stepped up to support the incredible cause Baenana is raising funds for. Now it’s your turn! Head over to Baenana, order a delicious and healthy dessert, and savor every bite. It’s a win-win: good for the cause, great for your taste buds, and even better for your health!

Workshops were very well attended

Taking a tour around the workshops this year, it was great to see them well attended, even in their new venues. The big notice board and signs along the path clearly guided attendees to their workshops must have worked as most sessions were packed and extra chairs needed! Feedback from those who attended has been overwhelmingly positive. Stay tuned for more stories and highlights from these workshops in this edition!

Creating a Resume is about marketing yourself

Creating a resume might seem unnecessary if you’re already employed, however, this important life skill requires more than just listing your previous work experience. One key insight from this very rich workshop is that a powerful resume should themed to align with your personal brand.

While we often think of branding for companies like Sanitarium, did you know you have a personal brand too? Your personal brand creates opportunities in both the workplace and business environment. A strong personal brand can help you to:

  • build authority in your field
  • Make an impact as a thought leader
  • Control the narrative of your career
  • Stand out in your industry
  • Attract true credibility
  • get noticed by recruiter sand potential employers
  • showcase the breadth of your experiences and skills
  • establish yourself as an expert
  • sets you apart from your peers
  • gives new business opportunites

This well-prepared, hands-on class dives deep into how to build an amazing resume, but if you apply the principles into the rest of your life, you will find benefits far greater than just a shiny resume. Applying these principles to your life will unlock skills and opportunities to help you make the most of the talents God has given you – so they don’t go unused buried in the ground.

Big Camp Has Wildlife: Some cute some slithery

Just a reminder that although the grounds of Big Camp are surrounded by new housing estates, the campground is still bordered by some wilderness areas. This means we share the space with local wildlife, including birds, mammals, lizards – and the occasional slithery kind. There have been a few sightings of snakes and “almost snakes” on the grounds, so please stay alert and mindful of your surroundings!

One of the “Almost Snakes” on display

Some of the snakes are venomous and have been active on the grounds. If you see one, we ask that you keep your distance and report it to our local snake catcher. Pr Mark Goldsmith is a real country man at heart, so if you see a ‘nope rope’ or ‘danger noodle’ call him on 0417 917 752 and he will be there very quickly.

Art as worship sells out quickly, every year

This workshop sells out almost before we can advertise it! So the editor is going to share some insights of what you are missing out on. Picture a room filled with what looks like entirely women, using their hands to create beautiful imagery, while a soothing voice wafts through the air reading devotional words. The entire class participates in a loving atmosphere of worship, and as each piece of artwork takes shape, the sense of community and worship experience only deepens. If you want to experience this beautiful blend of creativity and devotion, the only way is for you to be first in line next year!

Learning to communicate with those who can’t hear or speak

It was fantastic to see so many people attending the sign language class! This 4-day course teaches the powerful skill of communicating with your hands. Recognising its importance, Big Camp organisers brought in professional trainers to ensure a top-notch learning experience—and it shows! What an incredible opportunity to expand your communication skills in such a meaningful way.

The gift of tongues from the horses mouth

Ever wondered what it’s like to witness the gift of tongues in action? Pr Nicu shared an incredible experience from his recent evangelism program in PNG. The remarkable part? He had no idea the gift was unfolding before him—until his audience began speaking to him in their native dialect. Suddenly, he couldn’t understand a word and had to call in a translator. It’s a powerful reminder of how the Spirit moves in unexpected and awe-inspiring ways!

Incredible Insights

Prayer isn’t something we do to begin and end the work

Pr Nicu shared a profound statement: “Prayer isn’t something we do to begin and end the work” Too often we treat prayer like a ritual – a very important one – yes – but something we do beforehand and at the conclusion of the work being done.

For example, when we go door to door, we might start with a prayer for safety and success, then move on to what we see as the actual task, concluding with another prayer.

But Pr Nicu emphasised how prayer itself is the actual work, and needs to be seen as such.

Becoming a place of prayer – so much so that you’re known in the community as a house of prayer – is transforming Adventist churches worldwide. Even in first world countries, this approach is revitalising churches and growing them faster than any other evangelistic effort to date. If you missed his workshop seek him out on the grounds of Big Camp to learn more about this powerful, biblically-rooted opportunity that’s often overlooked in our churches.

A 13 study lesson book on Prayer

Pr Ben was so inspired by the workshop that he is going to suggest to his Church Board that they do a 14 days of prayer before the end of the year in his churches to cover this material. That’s how good it was.

Big Camp Push Announcements

Big Camp Push Announcements are kept to just one or two a day, focusing only on high-priority updates. We’re committed to avoiding notification overload! Sometimes, for example, if multiple people ask where to find the exercise class, we’ll send out a quick push notification advising the location, or for things like reminders about the parking rules and potential fines.

If you missed clicking “Allow notifications” when installing the app, don’t worry! You can still view them by clicking on the Big Camp Push Announcements at the bottom of the home page or by visiting to read the achive of announcements from a web browser.

This is the option

If you uninstall and re-install the app, you can click allow to stay informed, if you didn’t on the first time you opened the app.

Psychological First Aid Do’s and Do Not’s clearly defined

Disaster causes distress and disruption. As helpers, there are things you should do and say, and some things we might think will help, but may do harm. This workshop shares vital life skills to be the hands and feet of Jesus in an increasingly painful and hurting world. Monday’s session will be repeated Wednesday. If you did not make it to this packed-out workshop on Monday, come along this afternoon at 2:30 in the school, or ask around camp for the highlights, it will be worth it.

Don’t get mad when you wake up at 3am anymore

In yesterday’s Sleep workshop hosted by 10,000 Toes, over 30 participants were introduced to the idea of sleep cycles and their importance of how much sleep you need. Each night, we go through several sleep cycles, including REM sleep, which is a deep sleep containing rapid eye movement. Modern research suggests a lack of REM sleep might be linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. The workshop highlighted that REM cycles get longer as the night progresses, with the ideal sleep duration for most people being around 7.5 hours.

What if you’re disturbed at 3 am or need to use the bathroom around that time? If you return to bed, your body will pick up where it left off in the sleep cycle. However, if you become annoyed about the disturbance, that annoyance will cause stress levels to rise which will interrupt your sleep. Instead, the next time you wake up at 3am, try focusing on positive thoughts like, “I still have 2 sleep cycles to go before waking up.” This mental shift can make a difference.

Additionally, getting enough sleep helps regulate blood sugar levels. When you’re tired and awake, you might crave sugary foods for energy, which can lead to excess calorie intake and fat storage. So instead of just going to the gym to lose weight, consider getting enough sleep as well. While this wasn’t the workshop’s main message, the idea is clear: prioritise sleep for overall health. For more detailed information and sleep facts, visit the 10,000 Toes stand!

Reminder for iPhone users to update their app

A new feature for iPhone users: pinch-to-zoom for photos, was released at midnight the night before. Unfortunately, this update inadvertently affected emergency notifications. The issue was fixed by 11:30am yesterday and Version 2.2.6 was released at midday. So If you downloaded the update in the morning yesterday, please update the app again to restore full functionality.

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504
Contact [email protected] or SMS/Call on 0414 642 504 
for feedback or news articles camp that you would like to share.