The Role of Spirituality on Health Outcomes
Le Hall -27.21783, 152.98772The Role of Spirituality of Health Outcomes-
Dr Geraldine Przybylko
The Role of Spirituality of Health Outcomes-
Dr Geraldine Przybylko
Discover the latest cutting edge research into the effect of Spirituality on physical and mental health outcomes, and why this should be incorporated in daily practice. As Dr Geraldine Przybylko (MBA, MPH, PhD, FASLM) takes us through this presentation that explores the impact of prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, and faith have on physical and mental health […]
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CHURCH CLERK AND MEMBERSHIP CLERK TRAINING This workshop is for all local church clerks/secretaries and membership clerks. Covering topics such as: Understanding Church structure Best practice for Board and Business […]
Art journaling offers a fresh spiritual perspective. We use colours, pictures, words and shapes in an art journal to experience, ponder and celebrate our beliefs, questions & blessings. Spiritual art journaling aids in our maturation and helps us pour our creativity out as a gift of worship.
Art journaling is never about artistic ability, rather it is creative surrender, a personal expedition how creativity and spirituality intersect. There is no right or wrong way to art journal, it is simply dialogue between you and God. No artistic experienced required, everything supplied.
Sadly due to sickness this workshop has had to be cancelled.
Wake up to PAIN! What could be better than waking up in pain every day? waking up! If you attend the 6:00AM Elia fitness sessions at the school, I can guarantee you will win Mr/Mrs Universe at the end of camp… well maybe not win, but you will be closer than if you didn’t go. […]
Workshop Presenter Bio - Pr David Garrard has been involved with ATSIM (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ministries) for 30 years. He has a passion for connecting Indigenous people to Jesus and nurturing their discipleship pathway. He has been involved with starting several grassroot ministry including DreamTrack for ‘at risk Indigenous young people. David served […]
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members on […]
Basic Auslan Level 1 We are running Auslan workshops at Big Camp again this year. Just Auslan, a team of Deaf Auslan teachers will be teaching some basic Australian Sign Language (Auslan). About 1 in 3 Australians have a form of hearing loss but only about 0.06% of the population knows Auslan. The Deaf Community […]
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a best practice approach to supporting people after disasters and traumatic events. Join us for an introduction to PFA and learn how helping people feel safe, calm, connected, and hopeful can reduce their vulnerability and show a picture of a God of love. The Bible tells us that disasters will become more intense and frequent. Learn a new skill to support people in times of trouble.
This presentation is actually two different presentations in one. Sleep Depravation Foot Care Sleep Depravation Getting enough sleep has always been part of our health message, however ensuring that we are not sleep deprived is more an issues most don't realise. In fact 75% of the population have no idea they are sleep deprived, and […]
Dare 2 Connect: With God Prayer is one of the most intimate ways we can connect to God. One fascinating feature of prayer is that it is unique between every person and God. No one prays quite the same. Each of us may find ourselves praying in a different way depending on the situation, the […]
Lachlan is a Physiotherapist and the founder of Physio Pain Coach. He has spent the last 6 years helping people with chronic pain. Lachlan has completed post-graduate studies in pain science with leading pain researcher Lorimer Moseley at the University of South Australia. He believes that faith and lifestyle factors can have a profound impact on pain. If you or someone you know has pain you won't want to miss this one.
Basic Auslan Level 1 We are running Auslan workshops at Big Camp again this year. Just Auslan, a team of Deaf Auslan teachers will be teaching some basic Australian Sign Language (Auslan). About 1 in 3 Australians have a form of hearing loss but only about 0.06% of the population knows Auslan. The Deaf Community […]
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members […]
Quintin Betteridge is the lead pastor at Kingscliff Church. He will be presenting a thought-provoking seminar called, How to share when they don’t care. Discover practical tips and strategies to connect with those who seem indifferent to faith, and learn how to share your faith with others in a secular post-christian world.
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members on […]
Dr Geraldine Przybylko
Discover how your church or school can become a ELIA Wellness Hub. To take members and the community on a journey to whole person health, and an experience with Jesus. As Dr Geraldine Przybylko (MBA, MPH, PhD, FASLM) takes us through this presentation that explores the impact of prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, and faith have on […]
Lachlan is a Physiotherapist and the founder of Physio Pain Coach. He has spent the last 6 years helping people with chronic pain. Lachlan has completed post-graduate studies in pain science with leading pain researcher Lorimer Moseley at the University of South Australia. He believes that faith and lifestyle factors can have a profound impact […]
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members […]
Jess will be sharing content ideas which you can create for your church to reach new people and build community through Instagram. From optimising your church Instagram account to make it easier for people to find you to how to repurpose your content to maximise time – this practical workshop will leave you feeling inspired with steps to put into action straight away!
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members on […]
Basic Auslan Level 1 We are running Auslan workshops at Big Camp again this year. Just Auslan, a team of Deaf Auslan teachers will be teaching some basic Australian Sign Language (Auslan). About 1 in 3 Australians have a form of hearing loss but only about 0.06% of the population knows Auslan. The Deaf Community […]
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a best practice approach to supporting people after disasters and traumatic events. Join us for an introduction to PFA and learn how helping people feel safe, calm, connected, and hopeful can reduce their vulnerability and show a picture of a God of love. The Bible tells us that disasters will become more intense and frequent. Learn a new skill to support people in times of trouble.
Enhance Your Gut Health takes you on a journey toward a healthier gut microbiome. Our gut affects the health of all the different parts of our body. This program teaches you strategies that may help you achieve more balanced gut health, which reduces your risk of disease and also improves your quality of life. […]
Dare 2 Connect: With Others For decades, the church has operated on a “come and see” model of evangelism. People were willing to go to church or check out weekly ministries because the church was broadly seen as trustworthy and needed. Sadly, today that is not always the case. Thus in order to connect with […]
George makes a big claim of "If you reduce the risk factors of chronic disease, you can reverse the effects of the disease in anywhere from two weeks to two years." but he clarifies that it is not a cure. God can cure, we can only reduce the risk factors, so if you go back […]
I Will Go... But How? This workshop will cover the following topics: How can we take action? Who's ready to bridge the gaps Snapshots of a world in pain Where can my efforts make an impact? What are my unique spiritual gifts? How can I put them to use RIGHT NOW for a greater purpose? […]
Art journaling offers a fresh spiritual perspective. We use colours, pictures, words and shapes in an art journal to experience, ponder and celebrate our beliefs, questions & blessings. Spiritual art journaling aids in our maturation and helps us pour our creativity out as a gift of worship.
Art journaling is never about artistic ability, rather it is creative surrender, a personal expedition how creativity and spirituality intersect. There is no right or wrong way to art journal, it is simply dialogue between you and God. No artistic experienced required, everything supplied.
CHURCH CLERK AND MEMBERSHIP CLERK TRAINING This workshop is for all local church clerks/secretaries and membership clerks. Covering topics such as: Understanding Church structure Best practice for Board and Business Meetings Good Minute taking Membership record keeping, transfers and procedures (ACMS) Q and A Presented by Pr Joseph Maticic, General Secretary, South QLD Conference and […]
Basic Auslan Level 1 We are running Auslan workshops at Big Camp again this year. Just Auslan, a team of Deaf Auslan teachers will be teaching some basic Australian Sign Language (Auslan). About 1 in 3 Australians have a form of hearing loss but only about 0.06% of the population knows Auslan. The Deaf Community […]
As part of the SPD Division People Strategy, we are working to improve Talent Attraction within church entities by growing the Adventist Professionals LinkedIn Group. It is a private group (it can have up to 2 million members) and we hope to grow it so that we have as many of our church members […]
ELIA Wellness is inviting and inspiring us to experience whole-person health through the collection of resources and services. Find out about ELIA Wellness, what it has to offer and get hands on training to be a health advocate as an ELIA Partner and how to navigate through the ELIA digital platform to create events to […]
The New Children's Sabbath School from the General Conference. This now curriculum has lessons right down to ages 0-3 Come and discover all about it, and receive a booklet describing every aspect in details.