Category: Ed09 2nd Sabbath 23rd September Canvas Chronicle

Todays Weather

This one’s going to be Cloudy Temperature High 22°Low 14° Winds mostly low 11km/h to 24km/h
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Quotes from the Youth Tent

“I have known people who are more free in Jesus locked up in Jail for 15 years than we have when we are free.” God is in the business of [...]
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What’s with the Big Tent Set Design?

When asked to design and create a Jesus-centred stage for the Big Tent this year on the theme CONNECT, Pastor Annalise Cherry was inspired by the stunning historical stained-glass designs [...]
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A Marriage the Lasts a lifetime

It is more about behaviours and choices than compatibility, You don’t have to do this perfectly, anything small can make a long term difference. If you missed this workshop, watching [...]
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You Can Control your Heart Rate

One of the main ways of controlling the emotional roller coaster is the brain / heart connection. If you can bring you heart rate back down, your body will react [...]
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