Canvas Chronicles

Edition 05
Big Camp News
Tuesday 19th  September

$2489 raised in creative ways

The 25+ tent raised almost $2500 for Three Angels Nepal, and the 2023 south conference schoolies leavers trip to Nepal in November.

They run a annual TRIVIA night of seven rounds, vigorously competed mainly for honour, (as the prizes were meagre) all to raise fuds to stop human trafficking.

The rounds were varied from SDA history, Australia to Business Logos. Business Logos was the only round where everyone , Dr Phil Rodionoff and returning host Jesse Dupa was back in full power with his quick witted self.

The final Victor, names after the fearless trivia sponge Mitchell Strahan, “NO IT ALLS” who very quickly said it was a Team effort. Mitch despite his best intention to not have his name in the team name, was denied this anomality however as the host Dupa, was having nothing of that, re-naming the team from the front. “Mitches Britches” – because they also won last years trivia night too.

They also ran the Honey Bee Cafe, which serve a very delicious breakfast, continental breakfast style with fresh juices to boot. All combined these efforts will help our people on the front lines fighting against the very unsavory underworld characters in human trafficking, please keep those serving with Three Angels Nepal in your prayers.

What’s with the Big Tent Set Design?

When asked to design and create a Jesus-centred stage for the Big Tent this year on the theme CONNECT, Pastor Annalise Cherry was inspired by the stunning historical stained-glass designs found in places of worship all over the world, each displaying a powerful visual message.

At the centre of the Big Tent stage design, you’ll notice subtle arrows on the back-lit Cross, suggesting 2 endless vertical and horizontal lines, respectively. These represent the vertical and horizontal relationships, or CONNECTion points, established in the Garden of Eden: the vertical when God created Adam (humanity and God), and the horizontal relationship between humans when God created Eve. These relationships were both fractured when sin entered the picture, revealed in the broken shards of glass you see hanging on the right and left of the stage, and indeed within the Cross’s stained-glass mosaic itself. We may be broken as individuals (and as local churches) however through Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the Cross we see unity and CONNECTion with God and each other once again — “But now in Jesus Christ you who once were afar off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Eph 2:13) This sacrifice is highlighted in the colour red within the Cross, beside the blue (God’s character revealed in His law), purple (Jesus’ Kingship), pink (God’s unconditional love), and green (our growth as His disciples). The seven strands of lights above draw the eye to the Cross where we find our hope and salvation.

Pastor Cherry prays that this visual reminder will inspire deeper faith within all who come to worship.

South Queenslanders Still Read Books

In 2023 so far the Literature Evangelists have sold 630 message books! However there is an initiative called Youth Rush. Where young people volunteer a year of their time to sell books door to door. when we add youth rush that figure jumps up to 1,422! Check the figures below.

LE Activities in 2023LE’sLE’s Plus Youth Rush
Free Literature1933 1933
Bible Talks250 250
Message Books6301422
Demos 517517

Notice the huge difference that young people make spreading he gospel! They spend a month sleeping in church halls, usually on inflatables in Sabbath school rooms, and fearlessly go out knocking on doors, not knowing who will open them, they might be friendly and buy some books, or they might be mean.

Some of the 2023 Youth Rush participants
Photo Credit David Gillespie

They do get to keep a percentage of what they sell too! See the LE tent to be part of the next one!

Remember the Good Old Days: They were Better

Dr Paul Bogacs shared some advice for parents on how to keep your kids out of therapy. On of the things he suggested was parents need to expose their children to risks and natural consequences. He shared that the rate of child abuse was actually worse in the 60-70’s than it is today. Children are safer now, but parents trying to protect them from every little source of harm, actually makes the children have anxiety. So the act of trying to protect them from everything that could cause harm, stresses the children and does far more harm than what we are trying to protect them from. <His email is on the Avondale University website, you can follow this up with him if you wish 🙂 >

It is getting worse

Long after we started scientifically measuring levels of psychological distress/ 27% of young people are reporting Mental Health Challenges, as their biggest personal challenges (Low mental health, Stress, anxiety, depression, low self esteem or self harm) This was happening BEFORE COVID hit. In 2012 it was 18.6% but in 2020 it was up to 26.6%. That’s a significant increase in a short period of time. Some of this may come down to bullying not stopping when the last school bell stops anymore, with children being sent abusing SMS messages from other children at 3am becoming a regular occurrence. We heard of one girl who’s family changed her number multiple times a year, but every time that would only work for about 4 days and the messages would start again.

It is more stressful to be a woman.

Did you know that TWICE as many females experienced Psychological distress than males since 2012.

In 2012 22.4% of women indicated they were experiencing Psychological Distress, but in 2020 (pre covid) that number has risen 11.7% to over one third of women (34.1%)

There is a difference between an Easy Life and a Convenient Life

We were shown in the 25+ Tent that although kids have far more conveniences (Like the latest iPhone) that doesn’t make their life easier than those who lived in years gone by. An example is how anorexia is a modern disease. The billboards and media bombardment make it harder for young people to find emotional health these days. They are missing out on

*healthy view of who they are
*being in touch with their emotions
*being able to control their emotions when necessary
*being in touch with the emotions of others

To share a story or photo:
SMS: 0414 642 504